01/W File Transfers

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rev: 00Jul16
  Using MIDI 
    "A00" problem 
    Error message 
  Using a Floppy 
  Changing Effects
  Using MIDI 
  Using a floppy
MIDI File Types 
  Type 0 
  Type 1
CW = Cakewalk
SMF = Standard MIDI FIle

You can copy sequences in either of two ways: over MIDI, or using a diskette. The diskette is preferred because more information is conveyed automatically.

From Cakewalk to 01

There 3 ways to move files from CW to the 01:

1. Play your sequence in CW while recording MIDI messages with the 01.
2. Save your CW sequence to floppy as a Type 0 SMF. Load the SMF in the 01 using Page 4.
3. Save your CW sequence to floppy as a Type 1 SMF. Load the SMF in the 01 using Page 4.

Any 01 can record over MIDI.
To use the SMF method, you need an 01 with a floppy drive AND ROM #62.

Both MIDI and disk transfers have quirks that are not covered in the manuals. I will share with you what took me a solid week of frustrating trial and error to discover.

CW-to-01 using MIDI

You can play a sequence on your PC and have the 01 record it as it plays. This method records: Note on/off, pitch bend, program change, channel pressure, poly key pressure, and control change (0 – 101). You need a MIDI connection between your computer and the 01 for this to work. For information on basic MIDI cabling, click here.

There are two secrets to making this work with the 01:

Secret #1: Insert a blank measure as the first measure in all tracks of the sequence. Apparently the 01 needs that time to get running.

Secret #2: Add a Patch Change, Volume, and Pan MIDI message in the second measure of every MIDI channel. (Not every track. Only one set-up is needed for each MIDI channel used.) Even though these settings appear on the screen, CW doesn't send them out every time you press "Play". The 01 will only record the Prog, Volume, and Pan settings if they are part of the sequence.

Cakewalk Setup
1.  Make sure, in your CW sequence:
1.1 The first measure is blank, and
1.2 The second measure of every MIDI channel has a Patch Change, Volume, and Pan MIDI message with the initial settings for that channel (channel, not track).

2. Turn MIDI THRU off (set to “none”). MIDI messages will loop back to the 01, causing problems if you don't do this.

3. In SETTINGS/MIDI Out: Check “Transmit MIDI Start/Continue/Stop/Clock”. Cakewalk will begin sending clocks out immediately after you click “OK”.

Korg Setup:
1. Select External Clock (GLOBAL Mode, Page 0, Line 3, Button H).
2. Press SEQ, Page 0. Verify the Tempo field (quarter-note symbol) says “EXT”
3. Select the Song Number you want to record into. To be safe, erase any old song there (Page 5).
4. Select the track(s) you want to record onto
  a. Highlight the Track Field, select MULT (slider full up). This enables all tracks for recording.
  b. De-select individual tracks you don't want to record on.
5. Assign MIDI channels to 01 Tracks. This is usually automatic. Typically Track 1 is MIDI Channel 1, Track 2 = Channel 2, etc.
  a. Use Page 3 (tracks 1-8) or Page 4 (tracks 9-16) to assign MIDI channel numbers.
6. Starting Measure: Cakewalk will reset the measure pointer to 001 when playback begins.
7. Press REC/WRITE. The metronome LED should flash. If it isn't CW isn't sending clocks. Fix this.
8. Highlight the Tempo Track field (next to the Tempo field). Select “REC” (This can only be selected when the REC/WRITE light is on.)

Play the CW sequence. The metronome LED should flash red on the first beat of every CW measure. Recording will automatically stop when the sequence ends.

Save your sequence to 01 floppy using DISK Mode, Page 2.


"A00"s on playback: All the Progs show "A00" during playback, no matter what I do.

Solution: Insert two empty measures up front on all tracks. Keep the first measure empty. In the second measure, insert the initial Prog, Volume, and Pan settings for each MIDI channel (not each Track).

Why: Cakewalk sends the initial Prog, volume, and pan values when you first load the sequence. It does not re-send those initial values every time you push "play". That is, there is no way for the 01 to record the initial values since CW only sends them when the 01 isn't recording.

The first measure needs to be blank because the sudden rush of Prog, Volume and Pan messages in the first measure can knock the 01 out of "record" mode. The blank measure seems to prevent this.

Error Message: "ERROR: Stop ! :Memory Overflow"
The manual says: “If the amount of MIDI data on each channel is uneven, a memory full error may occur even though not all memory has been used up. In such cases, record without the largest track, and then re-record this track later.”

CW-to-01 using a Floppy (SMF)

This uses a floppy disk to move the CW file from the computer to the 01. You will need ROM #62.

This may be trouble-free for simple sequences (one MIDI channel per CW Track). If you use multiple tracks per MIDI channel, you can run into trouble. It appears the 01 has a bug: tracks can start playing one or two measures early. This is only apparent AFTER a newly loaded SMF file (which plays fine) is saved and re-loaded using an 01-formatted disk.

The secret to making SMFs work is to blend all the CW Tracks onto one MIDI channel before making the SMF. You can do this manually (no fun at all) or you can have CW do automatically by saving the sequence as a Type 0 MIDI File.

Note: CW version 3.01 assigns very wrong Bank numbers when creating Type 0 MIDI files (you will have to blend Tracks manually). Version 4.5 saves Type 0 with banks correctly set.

The general procedure is:
1. The CW file is converted to a Standard MIDI File (SMF) and saved onto a floppy.
2. The floppy is removed from your computer and inserted into the 01.
3. The SMF is then read into the 01 sequencer using DISK Mode Page 4.

Move song from CW-to-Floppy

1. Load a 720K DOS-formatted floppy into the computer floppy drive.
2. “Open” the “*.wrk” song into CW
3. “Save As” a “*.mid” type file to Drive “a:” (or whatever letter your floppy drive is). Be sure to select the option to save as a plain "Type 0 MIDI File".
4. Remove SMF floppy from PC

Load SMF song from Floppy-to-01

1. Insert SMF floppy into 01
2. Press DISK
3. Press 4 (If you don't have a Page 4, you can't do this You need ROM #62.)
4. Highlight “Load Std MIDI File”
5. Press any letter button A-E, telling the 01 to list the SMFs on the floppy
6. Use the VALUE controls to select the Song you want to load
7. Press “F” to highlight the Song number the SMF will be loaded into
8. Use the VALUE controls to select what Song Number you want the SMF loaded into
9. Remove the SMF floppy from the 01.

Save song to an 01-formatted floppy

You only use SMFs to transfer files from your computer to the 01. After you load the SMF into the 01, you should save it to an 01-formatted floppy.
1. Insert an 01-formatted floppy into the 01 (one formatted using DISK Mode Page 2, Line 4).
2. Save the file(s) using “Save All Sequence” (DISK Mode, Page 2, Line 3 or 1)
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01-to-CW over MIDI

Prepare the 01
1. 01: Load sequence into 01 sequencer.
2. 01: Select the song number you want to send to CW.
3. 01: Un-mute any muted channels you want sent to CW. (Muted channels are not sent.)
4. 01: Insert one measure at the beginning of all tracks. (This is necessary because Cakewalk misses the first few notes if you don't allow a blank measure for MIDI data to flow.)
    Go to Page 6:EDIT MEAS.
    Highlight "Insert Measure".
    Push Button A or B
    Select "ALL" by sliding the VALUE slider all the way up.
5. 01: Return to Page0.

Prepare Cakewalk
1. CW: Load 16-track template.
2. CW: Enable Cakewalk to record 16 channels at once (otherwise it puts everything on one channel)
    Click on "Settings"
    Click on "Channel Table"
    Put a check in the "Enable Mapping for Recording" box
    Click "Fill"
    Click "OK"
3. 01-to-CW: In Track/Measure, copy each channel's bank, program, volume, and pan from the 01/w display to the corresponding Cakewalk column. Copy the tempo, too.
4. CW: Set the clock source to MIDI
5. CW: Click RECORD. See message “Waiting for MIDI Sync”
6 . 01: Press START/STOP. The sequence will play back sounding horrible, but it will record properly.

1. CW: Save the sequence to disk (in case something goes wrong).
2. CW: In Settings/Record Table, un-check Enable Mapping for Recording box.
3. CW: Set the clock source to INTernal.

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01-to-CW using a Floppy (SMF)

I haven't used this recently. I don't recall any problems.

1. (optional) Set today's date on DISK Mode, Page 4, Line 2.
2. Format a 720K floppy using DISK Mode, Page 4, Line 4.
3. Select options on DISK Mode, Page 4, Line 6.
4. Save the 01 sequence to floppy using Disk Mode, Page 4, Line 3.
5. Move the floppy to the computer and Open the file into your sequencer.

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Initializing Effects from Cakewalk 3.0

Since the Effects section of the 01 is unique to the 01, effects can only be controlled externally by sending a MIDI System Exclusive message. You need to
1. Create the Effects settings you want,
2. Send those settings to CW as a *.syx file and save it.
3. Before you play your CW sequence, load and send the saved *.syx file.

Here are the detailed steps:

Step 01 CW Operation
1 01 Power-up the 01 so everything in the sequencer is empty.
2 CW Load the song you want to add effects to.
3 01 Enter SEQuence mode, go to Page 8: SONGn P8:EFFECT
4 01 CW Play the sequence back and adjust the effects to what you want.
5 CW Enter SysEx view
6 CW Highlight an empty bank (say, 0)
7 CW Select "Receive", then "You start dump on instrument" 
(If you have the option "Korg 01/W All Sequence", you can click this and skip the next step)
8 01 Go to GLOBAL page 8, highlight Dump Sequence, and then DUMP.
9 CW Cakewalk will receive a small (3,966 byte) SysEx file, including the effects data.
11 CW Give the bank a name (like "FX1-01:Hall FX2-19:Chorus 1")
12 CW You don't need to "Save" the bank here unless you want to make it accessible to other songs.
13 CW Save the song (Control-S), and the received SysEx file will be saved with it.
14 CW Experiment with when you want to send the SysEx file. Chose AUTO to send it whenever you load the song into Cakewalk.
Changing Effects while a song is playing is tricky. I don't think there is any way to do it from CW without causing a few second delay (while a SysEx is sent). There may be a way you can fake it by using Combi or Prog Mode and setting up consecutive Combis/Progs. I leave this as an exercise for the reader.
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MIDI File Types

The 01 works with two types of MIDI files, Type 0 and Type 1. The only difference is that Type 1 keeps tracks separate (Type 0 combines all tracks that are assigned to the same MIDI channel).

For the technically inclined, the file structure looks like:

MIDI File: Type 0
Header Chunk Track Chunk
MIDI File: Type 1
Header Chunk Track Chunk 1 Track Chunk 2 ... Track Chunk n

Type 0 and Type 1 share the same "Chunk" formats:
Header Chunk

Chunk Type Length  Format  # of Tracks Time Units 
4D 54 68 64 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Track Chunk
Chunk Type 
4 bytes = 
4D 54 72 6B
4 bytes
Mtrk Event 1 
i bytes
Mtrk Event 2 
 j bytes
Mtrk Event n 
k bytes
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Copyright ©1998-2000 by Ken Westover at Cliff Canyon Publishing Co. All rights reserved.
This material may not be distributed without the written permission of the author.
  E-mail questions or comments to cliffcan@indra.com.
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